
Owly/Andy • minor • they/them
digital artist & animator

Hey, there- I'm Owly! I'm a young aspiring artist and animator.
I don't consume a lot of media, but I'm always happy to hang out and listen to fandom discussion!
I'm currently most active on Instagram.
Discord tag: rqinfalls



simple ↬ $35 / 2.8k pts
•comes in 2000x2000 format, semi-complex shading, semi-rendered background;

painted ↬ $60 / 4.8k pts
•comes in 3000x3000 format, complex rendering & more complex surroundings (similar to a mini-scene);
•for complex characters the price may increase; I take the freedom to choose not to do very complex characters in this style;


simple ↬ $70 / 5.6k pts
•semi-complex rendering, scene background;
•additional characters will raise the cost depending on how much of the character is shown;

painted ↬ $90 / 7.2k pts
•complex rendering, scene background;
•I take the freedom to choose not to do very complex characters in this style;


simple/pagedoll ↬ $60 / 4.8k pts
•simple/flat color background;
•You can ask for a transparent version; (pagedolls are transparent only)
•there will be slight changes between simple and pagedoll versions, please mention which one you'd like best!

scene ↬ $100-130 / 8k-10.4k pts
•complex rendering, scene background;
•anthro characters might raise the cost slightly
•additional characters will raise the cost depending on how much of the character is shown;

Reference Sheets

simple ↬ 4.8k-6.4k pts / $60-80
•typically comes with 1 fullbody + accessories + 1 headshot, but what is included in the ref can be discussed;
•price may vary depending on complexity of the character, what you decide to or not to include in the reference;
•other details (background, poses etc.) about references will be discussed in dm's;
older examples

complex ↬ $90-150 / 7.2k-12k pts
•you can request almost anything to be added, within reason;
•depending on what you want to include in the reference and on how complicated the character's design is, price may vary a lot;
•other details, including background options, will be discussed in private;

Custom designs

on-base ↬ $15 / 1.2k pts •you can choose a specific base you'd like me to use, or simply let me choose one for you;
•I prefer to be able to discuss certain matters about the character (such as accessories & color palettes) so contacting me through dm's (preferably on discord) is recommended!
older examples

off-base ↬ $20-30 / 1.6k-2.4k pts
•I recommend contacting me in dm's (most preferably on discord) to discuss certain details about the design/moodboard/accessories and any other specifications you might have about the commission;
older examples

Terms of Service

  • General:

  • I have the right to turn down any commission request;

  • if you update the design of any character you've commissioned art of please let me know as quickly as possible! (if the announcement comes too late, the changes are too major or you've commissioned a painted piece, I won't be able to change it, sorry!)

  • I can do multi-character/mixed or even experimental commissions, but those need further discussing;

  • commissions can take from a couple of weeks up to a few months- please keep that in mind when ordering anything!

  • you can ask me to give you updates on your commissions; I also have a trello where I post updates concerning my queue regularly;

  • please offer me a readable reference when ordering a commission;

  • please credit me for any art/designs you have commissioned/bought from me;

  • Payment:

  • I take payment through both paypal and deviantart commission widgets (though paypal is prefered);

  • no holds/preorders, but I do have a pinglist and you can request to be added to it (this can be discussed in the case of exceptional circumstances);

  • I highly prefer receiving full payment before I start working; however, I'm down to negotiating splitting the payment in two in special cases;

  • prices may vary depending on complexity of the character;

  • Refunds:

  • you can only ask for a refund before I'm done with the sketch/lineart;

  • *however, if your commission has been in the works for several months and you still haven't received any wips/updates (aka in case I've forgotten about it), you have all the right to ask for one;

I will draw:

  • I mainly draw cats, dogs, dragons & humanoids but I can do almost any species;

  • both feral & anthro;

  • LGTBQ+ art and characters;

  • shipping art, as long as the ship is appropriate/inoffensive and all the involved characters' owners are okay with it;

  • moderate amounts of blood/scars/gore/body horror/violence;

I will not draw:

  • NSFW;

  • fanart/characters from shows or games;

  • any form of hateful art, towards any groups (art promoting/presenting racism, homophobia, furry hate etc.);

  • extreme blood/gore/violence/body horror;

  • art including sensitive topics, such as politics, abuse etc;

  • any kind of inappropriate art (ex. inappropriate ships)